| Amira Bates

“Jonny is quietly spoken, charming, understanding and caring. His approach of being quietly confident that he can assist a child is reassuring. He starts at the beginning and moves forward until he finds a “hole”, a break in the knowledge/a lack of understanding, then he works with the pupil until they are confident it all makes sense and move forward. Slowly and surely they work together until the next “hole” appears and then they fix this. So far our boy has gone from a D and very low marks in October to this March and a C with good marks. The school now saying that he could go for a B in the GSCE exams. *Update* B achieved at GCSE!

I think it is an advantage that Jonny is young and is, therefore, able to relate to our 16-year-old son and our son to Jonny. He has his own exams and education that he has to take care of yet he still finds time to encourage and help. We have been very happy, satisfied and reassured by Jonny and have no hesitation in recommending him.”
