| Testimonials

Testimonials about Jonny

Freddie Lampert

“At the start of Lower 6th (September 2018), I began my A level maths course and struggled. Throughout the first year I thought I could get by in maths however I ended the year on an E. Then I got in touch with Jonny and we worked all summer and up until March when COVID-19 hit. Under his tutelage, I turned my A level maths around. He is a remarkable tutor who explains complex maths in a very simple way. We worked hard together and I scored a strong B in the upper 6th mock (February 2020). I am awaiting my result in my A levels but I’m confident that, had the exam went ahead I could have potentially scored an A. A lot of this is down to how well Jonny guided me through the A level course. He is a superb teacher who helped vastly improve my A level grade.”


Ken and Annie Kneale

“We have and continue to use the maths services provided by Jonny and could not be more satisfied. From the outset, Jonny established a rapport with our daughter, building subject assurance that has proven transformational in her approach to maths generally, specific topics in particular, and most importantly examination confidence. We continue to use the services for the International Baccalaureate and would recommend wholeheartedly without reservation.”


Angela Lampert

“Jonny has been teaching our son Freddie in Upper Sixth to support him in achieving an A grade for his final exams. The online tutoring worked very well for Freddie as it is so flexible in terms of time and location. Jonny has been very quick in understanding the problems and difficulties where our son was struggling. He is a very dedicated, friendly and well-organised tutor, really motivating for the student to overcome any hurdles that are encountered. Freddie got on really well with Jonny from the start and appreciated his calm and clear approach to teaching.

I have already recommended Jonny to friends and can only speak highly of his engagement with the student and also the open communication to us as parents. Freddie has improved his A-Level maths significantly and has gained immensely in confidence which is great to see. Jonny is a very committed tutor who has found his calling at a young age. Thanks so much!”


Chris Jennings

“Jonny has provided maths tuition to my daughters, aged 12 and 6, both of whom are at very different stages of learning and differing ability. Jonny readily adapted his style of teaching to suit the different needs of both. He makes the learning fun, interesting and rewarding and I have noticed clear improvements in both girls’ comprehension of the subject. I would have no hesitation in recommending him.”


Andy Batchelor

“We tried a number of tutors for Angus but without doubt Jonny was the best – not just because of his knowledge which was excellent but because he was relatable and relevant to Angus which made him enjoy the sessions more and get more extra value from them.

From a parent’s point of view Jonny was reliable, flexible and open to observations. Although at first, I had doubts over the online teaching model I am now completely won over.

Most importantly he made Angus confident that he could cope with anything the exam process could throw at him which is half of the battle. Angus’s results and the fact that he has got into Cambridge are the ultimate proof that this was money well spent. Angus is planning on using Jonny again for some refresher sessions towards the end of his year off.”


Angus Batchelor

“I had Jonny for around 15 sessions leading up to my A-level Maths. I was predicted an A/A* in Maths, however for my Cambridge university offer I needed an A*, so I worked with Jonny to remove silly mistakes and iron over gaps in knowledge. His use of the interactive whiteboard was brilliant and allowed me to go through problems with him, whilst much of the work was very exam orientated which was useful in eliminating silly mistakes. In particular, a past paper question that we went through was very similar to one in the C3 exam, that, without Jonny’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to answer.

Jonny was able to go through and teach me the entirety of Vectors, a C4 topic, from scratch, so that I was able to start doing full exam past papers. Jonny is incredibly friendly and knowledgeable, he was easy to have conversations with and get along with, making it easier to learn and not seeming like a lesson at school! The booking system is easy to work and allows you to book as many sessions as often as you want.

In the end, I got my A* and achieved 93/100 in C3 and 99/100 in C4, and a lot of this was down to Jonny’s help!”


Josh Tollit

“Jonny really helped me prepare for my GCSE maths exam. He is easy to understand, explains problems and helps you work out the answer rather than telling you. His use of diagrams and pictures really helped me and the white board notes were good for looking back at. I could send Jonny my homework and maths paper questions and we would use these in the lesson to go over difficult questions. He made me think !! He always gave me confidence in my ability and had loads of patience going over the same thing.”


Claire Tollit

“Jonny has been great helping Josh, using relatable language and face to face discussions over Skype to encourage Josh to think for himself and not give up. He is really motivating, cheerful and provides great feedback and is happy to discuss progress any time via phone or email. Definitely recommend to anyone who needs that bit of extra help and may struggle within school classes.”


Matthew Smith

“The biggest compliment I can hope to pay any tutor is that they can turn complex concepts into simple ideas through explanation and the use of examples. Jonny is very adept at doing this, helping me with regards to core mathematics A Level at a time I was particularly struggling with the material.”


Peter Smith

“Jonny is enthusiastic, patient and clearly very knowledgeable. He relates well to his students and is good at overcoming any initial resistance to additional tutoring. He is user friendly, flexible and effective.”


Immy Smith

“Since beginning my tutoring with Jonny nine months ago, my confidence has improved significantly, allowing me to take big strides forward in my Maths both at school and in my sessions with Jonny. He strives for perfection to ensure you really understand topics and is happy to explain them in a variety of ways to try and make things easier. Whilst I was struggling in my set at school when I started, Jonny has persevered and I am now ahead of a number of my peers.”


Laurie Maylor

“So having panic-emailed Jonny 2 weeks before my first exam, he reacted with amazing patience and calmness. He tackled my lack of understanding behind a lot of key mathematical areas, and it instantly bought results. He worked hard with me to gain confidence in some maths that I really didn’t enjoy or want to do, and it proved to be very helpful in my exams. Jonny bought my E’s in S1 and S2 to an A and a B respectively.

He’s great to work with, very relatable and an inspiration for my future studies. I highly recommend!”


Seb Reid

“Jonny was very helpful with my A-Levels. When I first started working with Jonny at a C grade – with thinking I could achieve at max a B – he told me after one session that I was “easily achievable” of getting an A! This made me very pleased to work harder and keep sticking at it – which Jonny helped me massively with. Due to his young age, it’s much easier to connect with me on a mathematical sense in terms of understanding as well as the social side which made our tutoring sessions focused yet enjoyable as well.

With our tutoring sessions were very focused with topics and papers. We worked over a lot of content as he asked me specifically what I’d like to work on and where also he found gaps in my knowledge and worked on them until I was very confident. We went over content right up to the evening of my exams to know exactly what I needed.

I would highly recommend Jonny as a tutor to anyone and have really enjoyed the sessions and very happy coming away with an A in A-Level Maths.”


Justine Gallen

“Jonny was recommended to me by a tutor and I can understand why. He takes the time to understand my 3 children and understand their individual needs. Whilst explaining in a clear coherent style he makes sure they understand each concept and doesn’t let it go until he’s sure they have grasped each method thoroughly. The skype calls mean we can be more flexible around time and location and all 3 girls enjoy this way of working.

As he is young he understands how schools currently teach Maths. Constantly encouraging and patient I can already see a huge increase in confidence in this subject area from all three of my girls.”


Thomas Baer

“Before I began working with Jonny at the start of year 12, I was very close to giving up the subject. I had no confidence in my maths and was not enjoying it at all. However, once I started having regular sessions with Jonny, this changed dramatically. His method of teaching works on delving beneath the surface, which really helps you to understand the topic much more. I used to look forward to sessions and his likeable personality contributed greatly to this. Without Jonny’s help, I am 100% I would not have been able to achieve the B grade I came out with. This has set me up well for my final exams and Jonny has given me the confidence that I can genuinely strive for the top grades. Overall, I would highly recommend to use him as a tutor, especially if you are finding maths tedious as he is passionate about making it engaging for everyone.”


Marni Owen

“Jonny was very helpful in last-minute reassurance and confidence before my AS exams. He explained topics well, so that I understood what I was learning rather than just having to memorise the facts. This will be incredibly useful for the rest of my Maths A-Level, I have learnt skills for life through Jonny.

I found the online lessons particularly useful as I had a busy schedule and couldn’t always find the time to meet in person, and the lessons are just as effective as there is an online whiteboard.”


Liz Baer

“Jonny has been tutoring my 17-year old son, Tom, for the past six months or so, preparing him for his AS-level Maths exam. Jonny is a very pleasant, well-spoken young man, who very quickly developed a good rapport with my son. Being not too much older than him, Tom found it easy to relate to Jonny, and they share a passion for football! Jonny clearly has a knack for teaching / tutoring, and Tom has found it hugely helpful indeed. He had been on the verge of giving up Maths for A-Levels, finding it immensely difficult, but Jonny has given him the confidence to carry on with maths, and he has come on in leaps and bound; Tom is now a capable mathematician.

Jonny explains things patiently and clearly, and is quite happy to go over, and over, and over something if need be. He is quietly encouraging, and celebrates the successes with Tom — indeed, I’m sure he is eagerly awaiting Tom’s AS Maths results as much as we are! Tom feels able, and confident to now continue with Maths for A-level. Jonny is 100% reliable, was always on time, and his low-key, flexible approach to tutoring has made a massive difference to Tom. I have no hesitation in highly recommending Jonny.”


Amira Bates

“Jonny is quietly spoken, charming, understanding and caring. His approach of being quietly confident that he can assist a child is reassuring. He starts at the beginning and moves forward until he finds a “hole”, a break in the knowledge/a lack of understanding, then he works with the pupil until they are confident it all makes sense and move forward. Slowly and surely they work together until the next “hole” appears and then they fix this. So far our boy has gone from a D and very low marks in October to this March and a C with good marks. The school now saying that he could go for a B in the GSCE exams. *Update* B achieved at GCSE!

I think it is an advantage that Jonny is young and is, therefore, able to relate to our 16-year-old son and our son to Jonny. He has his own exams and education that he has to take care of yet he still finds time to encourage and help. We have been very happy, satisfied and reassured by Jonny and have no hesitation in recommending him.”
